Parish Council Meeting Minutes for October 2009
Meeting Schedule
We hold our meetings on the third Monday of every month at 8pm, except during August, in the Alice Marshall Hall.
Meeting Documents
Here you can view all the Parish Councils meeting agenda and minutes for October 2009
Agenda Documents
Minute Documents
Paper 2 Minutes SBPC October 2009 (2).doc
Additional documents
Paper 6 Minutes Finance sub committee 14th October 2009.docPaper 2a Appendix A to minutes October 2009.docPaper 3 The use of the word summons.docPaper 5 FUTURE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MIDDLE BARTON SCHOOL AND STEEPLE BARTON PARISH COUNCIL.docPaper 7 Appendix A to minutes October 2009.docPaper 8 October budget tracker.xlsPaper 11 Guidance on how to write emergency plan.pdfPaper 12 CommunityEmergencyPlantemplate.docPaper 15 Proposed budget for 2010-11.xlsPaper 16 REVISED ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST March 2009 WRITTEN 16TH OCT 09.docPaper 2a Appendix A to minutes October 2009.doc