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Town and Parish Council Elections - May 2018

27th February 2018

Steeple Barton Parish Council elections are being held in May this year, nominations must be submitted by Friday 6th April.

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please contact the clerk by email,


Title: Councillor

Responsible to: the Council and its electors.

Responsible for: effective leadership to foster the interests of the electors in your community/parish

Role to: Bring local issues to the attention of the council, help it make effective and legal decisions on behalf of the local community and represent the views of parishioners within and outside the Parish.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

1. To represent effectively the interests of the whole parish by listening to views from the community

2. To improve the quality of life for those that live, work or visit the area

3. To participate fully in the formation and scrutiny of the Council’s policies, strategic plans, budgets and service delivery

4. To ensure that the Council is properly managed

5. To prepare for, attend and participate in Council meetings, decision making and abide by corporate decisions

6. To undertake appropriate training and development to help fulfil the requirements of the councillor role

7. To keep up to date with significant developments affecting the Council at local, regional and national levels

8. To represent the Council on outside bodies to which the Councillor is appointed and report back activities

9. To maintain proper standards of behaviour and comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct

10. To deal with resident’s enquiries and representations fairly and without prejudice

Skills needed by a Councillor:

• Interpreting information

• Having ideas, visualising what might happen, using imagination

• Understanding budgets and financial paperwork

• Encouraging yourself and others

• Listening, questioning, evaluating objectively, reviewing, drawing conclusions then making decisions

• Dealing with conflict

• Seeing the bigger picture

• Public speaking

• Persuading and motivating

• Prioritising

• Negotiating

• IT skills



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