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More information from Hallam Land Managment re Land on Holliers Crescent

16th February 2018

Further to comments received by parishioners, the parish council contacted the developers and asked the developers to respond, and in the interests of complete openness, please see the following in verbatim... 

We note the content of the email you forwarded on yesterday, and can only say what we said at the meeting. We have submitted representations to the Local Plan process, as would almost every site being put forward for development across any area. Putting forward representations is no indication of whether a site will get permission for development, and does not mean an application will definitely be submitted.
I’m not sure of exactly where the reference to a start date in August comes from, although I can speculate that it could refer to a SHLAA submission or something mentioned in our reps. However, this will have simply been a reference to the question which is posed by the Local Planning Authority of every site within the SHLAA process: ‘If permission is received then when, theoretically, might development come forward.’ This is asked because LPAs need to ensure they have an ongoing land supply chain. In simple terms there would be no point allocating a site if, for instance, an owner said they were not going to release it and it was therefore unavailable, thus undeliverable. So there is normally a question on SHLAA forms asking whether a site will be able to contribute to the 5 year supply if given planning permission. And of course, for the Holliers Crescent site, if permission is applied for and subsequently granted, then development could theoretically start soon after.
So I don’t think we can add much to our statement. If we think a public exhibition is worthwhile in the short-term to seek views then we will let you and everyone know well in advance. But as explained, there are no set plans for this and subsequently no plans for a planning application. Also as explained, we have engaged with the LPA in order to understand what technical matters we would need to look at, but again that is all part of the ‘pre-planning application’ stage, and so is no indication of when an application is to be submitted. We remain of the view that a public meeting at this stage is too early and will cause more questions and concern than answers.
Planning is a fluid process and so circumstances change which means different decisions are made. Currently, we expect the Local Plan to be adopted soon, but, if it is for whatever reason rejected, then who knows, the LPA might be looking for further sites and we would of course again suggest Holliers Crescent as a suitable option, should it be able to mitigate any infrastructure issues, and should it be able to offer something to the existing community.
I trust the above gives you a level of comfort in terms of the stage we are at, and the approach we are taking. 
This is as much as the parish council knows about the proposal, and as soon as the developers have more to present, then they will confirm to us a date for an open meeting, but we don’t think this will be for some time.

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