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Notes from Corona Virus meeting held 16th March 2020

18th March 2020

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The PC held an emergency meeting on Sunday 15th March to discuss the ongoing Corona virus situation. This was followed up with a telephone meeting on Monday 16th March with villagers invited to attend.

The PC have set up a WhatsApp group invitation via a posting on Facebook asking people to join as community volunteers. The volunteers will be on hand to help with day to day requirements. Cards that householders can place in their windows will be available to assist the volunteers in identifying needs. A white card would be used for things like shopping, dog walking and prescription collection. A red card would identify that the household requires assistance. If a card hasn’t been seen after 3 visits the volunteer would knock on door and standing 2 metres away would check that all is ok.

For shopping - the list and money are given to the volunteer and everything is left on the doorstep.

Prescriptions – can be collected and delivered by the volunteers. Deddington Surgery already offer a delivery service.

The PC need a list of vulnerable people, Dave Jackson will help with this.

31 volunteers have responded so far which is brilliant.

A member of the public who joined the call mentioned that there is a slight concern that people will feel even more vulnerable without personal contact. Kate Carter-Windle confirmed that the volunteers will make contact, and times would be agreed beforehand. Telephone numbers and email addresses will be collected.

The PC will give out information cards. Kate also confirmed that the local Churches are willing to get involved in this too.

Another caller suggested that we could all help in the community by being available for chats and the whatsApp group is a good place to start. We could also investigate online book clubs.

The latest Government release confirms that anyone over 70, anyone with chronic illness, respiratory issues and pregnant women need to take extra care and would constitute as a vulnerable person.

Information will be published in the Bulletin and posters around the village with contact names and numbers for SBPC and Westcote Barton.

Jayne (Vicar) – will give out Pastoral team numbers.

The School is going to remain open for as long as they can and will keep the PC informed.

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